Sunday, January 24, 2010

Team Building Program

The program of our YF today was Team Building. After the worship led by our vice-president Joanna Chun, YFers were divided into 4 groups. Groups were given a map each, and on the map, the sequence of the stations they were to go to were also written.

There were altogether 4 stations. One was where the group members were asked to stand on a chair each. The chairs were arranged in a straight line and the person right in front had to throw a water balloon to the second person without looking back and the second person would throw it to the third, right until the balloon reached the end of the line.

At another station, all the members of that group were asked to form a circle, holding the hands of the people next to you. Two game-masters from inside the circle would then try to get out of the circle by crawling, jumping, or whatever method they could think of. Sern Wang tore his trousers at this station =.=

Then there was the station where two teams met and had to challenge the other team in a water scissors-paper-stone game while another group member had a piece of wood as a shield from the water for both that person itself and the other group member playing scissors-paper-stone against the other group.

The other station game was also played two groups at a time. Each group member were given a cup filled with water and the objective of the game was to keep your cup unbroken with any amount of water in it while trying to pour the opponents' water out.

In the end, Group 1 was announced the winner and they were rewarded with a very nice bottle of Sprite!

Do come to attend our YF every Sunday from 4-6 p.m. in Gereja Grace Batu Pahat :)